1. You are creating a Powerpoint/Google Slides Presentation of ALL the work you did in this class You will create a slide for each tutorial/project you made in this class 2. You will designate one slide/project as your best work... For this project you also need to designate one Habit of Mind that applies to your best work.. You will present this project/slide in class on FRIDAY/EXAM DAY Here are some examples of PowerPoints that are pretty good and comprehensive
1. Take 5 minutes and study all your notes about Gestalt Theory Then Take the Gestalt Theory Quiz Gestalt Theory Pd 4 Gestalt Theory Pd 5 Gestalt Theory Pd 6 2. Continue working on the Arts & Communications Pathways Poster 1. WATCH AND TAKE NOTES ON THE GESTALT THEORIES OF PERCEPTION VIDEO 2. READ THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR YOUR NEXT PROJECT CLICK BELOW PLEASE-THIS IS DUE BY FRIDAY DEC 5TH ![]()
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