1. Finish Taking notes on History Of Communications
2. Take Open Notes Quiz on History of Communications
Today's Assignments......we will be getting on the computers today.... 1. Finish your ID Map........you have 30 minutes to finish and turn this in Be sure that we get a pic of your ID Map...............you will need this pic later for your website 2. Write a 4 paragraph news article that is titled " All About Me". We will use this to put into your website. ..Paragraph 1 = General Information About You...name..age....what class this is, school we are at..town we live in, ..Paragraph 2- = More stuff about you-where you grew up, your culture, info about your ohana, your interests/hobbies/what you like to do, music you like, foods you like, ..Paragraph 3- GOALS..your personal goals for this school year, your goals after high school, your ideal life situation /goal when you get to be say 40 years old.... ..Paragraph 4. - What you want to Learn....in this class, what things you want to learn from other classes in this school, You will use PAGES (Apple's Word Processor) to write and save the NEWS ARTICLE.... We will be getting you on the computer in the last half of the class....So |
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