1. Academic Task--- Take notes on Gestalt Theory-look to the right please
2. DESIGN TASK Your task is to CREATE a poster promoting the Arts & Communications Pathways Class Target Audience is Students from the 8th grade up to the 11th grade-both female and male Poster SIZE Format is 11 x 17 in Photoshop at 200 ppi Some suggested verbage/copy is: Learn College and Career Ready Skills Digital Photography & Photoshop Introduction to Vector Graphics Learn Beginner & Intermediate Skills in Video Production 3D Design Learn Animation Skills & Create Your Own Animations Create Your Own Graphics Due Date is Thursday at the end of class Thursday Dec 4th |
Illustrated Lyrics /Poem Project 1. Make a brand new Photoshop Document at 8.5 by 11 inches at 200 pixels per inch 2. Think creatively and decide what your favorite song lyrics are, or an inspirational poem that you like....then go on the web and find those WORDS 3. Start creating an Illustrated Words Poster...like the one pictured below 4. You can use the internet to find images that will help you to illustrate your words, or you can draw any images you like in photoshop..... 5. ONE IMPORTANT THING---YOUR WORDS MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE 6. Work Hard to create something you can be proud of......Due at the end of class today Submit as a .jpg to my class submission website=25 daily points for completion If You Find That You Love Life, Life Will Love You Back..
Watch and follow along and do this tutorial--it will take about 5 minutes
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August 2018
InstructorMr. Shelor.... Categories