a. Finish Magazine Cover---
SUBMIT your cover via my website in pdf format
b. Save for web as .jpg and add to your website
c. Take the MAG COVER REFLECTIO SURVEY for 10 points online
Today's Tasks
a. Finish Magazine Cover--- SUBMIT your cover via my website in pdf format b. Save for web as .jpg and add to your website c. Take the MAG COVER REFLECTIO SURVEY for 10 points online
You will create a personal goals poster using the skills you hAVE LEARNED IN PHOTOSHOP
1. Open Photoshop and create a new document 11 in wide by 17 inches tall at 200 pixels per inch 2. Open your original green screen pic or take a new one and use the selection tools to cut yourself out.....Use the adjustment layers (levels), and the healing brush and clone stamp to make your self look better 3. Copy Paste your self into your new poster document.....adjust the sizing.. 4. Type or Paste your goals onto the poster aligning them as best you van for maximum effect... 5. Save as PHOTOSHOP PDF..submit to me via my website---- Do as SAVE for WEB>JPG, and add to your website with a 1 paragraph reflection Due at the end of the period on Tuesday October 20th..
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