Task 2- Click here to read about 3 POINT LIGHTING--Take notes in your new document from above
Task 3-Go on the web - and open your PTP-Navigate to the "GOALS ESSAY" section
(we will eventually copy and paste the text from your Goals Essay into a new document in Photoshop)
Task 4- Open Photoshop CS 6- go to FILE>NEW and create a new document ''''''
11 inches tall by 8 .5 inches wide at 300 Pixels Per Inch (PPI)
Task 5- We will take your picture---and will give your picture to you to make your Personal Goals Essay
Personal Goals Essay- This should be a pretty quick assignment-
A teammate will take your picture==
You will use SELECTION TOOLS in PHOTOSHOP to nicely cut yourself out with nice clean edges.
You will create your new GOALS ESSAY document, and will use the GRADIENT tool to create a simple background
You will copy and paste your cleaned up picture into the GOALS ESSAY document.
You will use the TEXT TOOL and the CHARACTER PALETTE to CREATIVELY place your text around you into the GOALS ESSAY.
Here is my example I made--