Then Get a Photoshop Vocabulary worksheet from the sub and READ AND COPY any Photoshop Vocabulary words listed below the Photoshop Vocabulary banner-please and thank you
1a. Photoshop-=Photoshop, trademark for an image-manipulation software product
1b.PHOTOSHOPPING: to alter (a digital image) with Photoshop software or other image-editing software especially in a way that distorts reality (as for deliberately deceptive purposes)
2. Arrange (Layers)
This is the command used to adjust the stacking order of any layers that you have created. This can also be done by click-dragging the layer icons into position.
3. Background Color
In the toolbox you will see two boxes or squares for color choice. The “underlying” one is the background color and the one on top is “foreground” color.
4. Copy--
the Edit – Copy copies an area of pixels to the clipboard but leaves them intact in the original position. Once copied, the area can then be pasted into another part of an image and will create a new layer.
5, Crop Tool
The crop tool is used to shave off unwanted areas at the edge of a digital image. Cropping an image can really improve its composition, but discards original pixels in the process
6. Magic Wand Tool (W): This tool selects pixels with the same or a similar color to those selected. The tool's options allow for a variety of selection types (New, Add, Subtract From, and Intersect With) and options that define how the selection's edges react (Tolerance, Anti-aliased, Contiguous, and Sample All Layers).
7. Zoom Tool (Z): This tool works like a magnifying glass, bringing the user's content within the window closer in their view, or further away so the entire picture plane can be seen. CMD + zooms inCMD - Zooms out
8. Active Layer
The highlighted and working layer in the Layers palette. Only one layer can be active at a time, although layers can be linked.
COPY all these to your PHOTOSHOP Vocabulary WORKSHEET today and turn in please