1. Today's Tasks--- a. Download the COLLAGE TEMPLATE from the right side- b. OPEN the COLLAGE TEMPLATE in Photoshop c. Began collecting and uploading/downloading your personal pictures to Photoshop...to began creating your collage (The THEME of this collage activity is like the ID Map we created the first week...its all about who you are, what you like , what your ohana is etc) d. Once you open your picture/pictures in Photoshop, you can do image adjustments on them to make them look better, you can use selection tools- marquees, lassos-magic wand etc to cut people or things out e. Once you have what you want, do a copy and paste and add your selected pic to your collage document..Keep doing this until you have filled your collage up-- TIP- Go on Google and search for collage or digital collage to see examples and to get some inspiration |
- a good example of a photo montage